Eating Shellfish Cooked in Coconut Milk

I recalled a friend saying that eating food cooked with coconut milk is a big no-no to those persons that have undergone gallbladder removal surgery.

Dinner served!

But yesterday, the main dish in my dinner was clams cooked in fresh coconut milk. It was so delicious that it made my stomach to bulge. But I did not eat like there’s no tomorrow, I took my time eating, carefully masticating the meat and sipping the tasty soup.

The coconut milk really added the flavour.

But the question in my mind after my dinner was: how would my stomach reacts to the coconut milk?

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Nestle Cerelac Toddler – Choco Joy

cerelac toddler - choco joy

We arrived home late and I stayed additional hours on the computer. Then I felt some stomach discomfort, I was hungry. Since there’s no one left at home, there was no cooked food. I opened the refrigerator to checked for any food that can be eaten without cooking. But I saw none. I only noticed the Gatorade that I left yesterday and I did drink it.

But I was still hungry. I need something to eat but it was almost 1 am and everyone was sleeping.

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1 Year of Life Without Gallbladder

It’s been a year now of living life with no gallbladder.

Right after the Lap Chole (Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy) operation, I thought I would become a vegetarian. But the hospital served chicken – on a low fat diet. So, meat was still part of my diet. Then, we bought a microwave oven for cooking my food. And even thought of buying a steam cooker.

Yet, after doing some tests on eating the foods to be avoided, I managed to eat some fatty foods. And even end up eating the foods that I regularly eat.