Gastric Pain and Diarrhea after Breakfast

This morning I felt a pain that needed a medicine. Few minutes after eating my breakfast, I experienced a gastric pain that was intense that I took a Buscopan Plus tablet. It was accompanied by a diarrhea in which I spent more time in the rest room.

Then, I realized that I stayed late and slept around 2am, which came to a further realization that I did not eat a midnight snacks/meal. This was the advise that was given to me by my doctors that if and when I stay late, I must eat.

Medicine – Buscopan Plus

Buscopan Plus Tablet is manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim (Phils), Inc. and distributed by Metro Drug Distribution. It contains 10 mg of Hyoscine-N-butylbromide, and 500 mg of paracetamol.

Its approved therapeutic usage as listed in MIMS Philippines: Paroxysmal pain in diseases of the stomach or intestine, spastic pain & functional disorders in the biliary & urinary tracts & female uterine organs (eg dysmenorrhea).

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