Test: Eating fried fatty pork

I was surprised to see the dish served at the table yesterday – a deep-fried fatty pork with skin.

When I sat on the chair, I was saying to myself, “Am I going to eat this fried pork with fats and skin?” So, I looked at the other dish, a more favorable one – fish. But since it’s already 4 months after my lap chole procedure, 2 months after I got hospitalized and was supposedly scheduled for an ERCP procedure, I thought that it would be another food to test.

The pork meat was smaller than the fats on all cuts. As I took a bite on the fried pork, I felt the fats and the oil but with well cooked meat and crunchy skin. And it was great to eat back the food that I longed for. I have been fasting for months on delicious yet to be avoided foods because I no longer have a gallbladder. But yesterday, I took another test, another step of eating back normally – eating a to be avoided food.
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Test: Eating lechon manok

My wife asked me yesterday what I wanted for lunch and I said lechon baboy.

Lechón is a pork dish, refers to a suckling pig that is roasted. The dish features a whole roasted pig cooked over charcoal.

But when she returned from the market, she only brought a lechon manok (roasted chicken cooked over charcoal).

So I asked where was the lechon baboy and she replied that there was no one selling lechon baboy. Maybe because it was sold out already as she went to the market around 11 noon.
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Test: Eating cheese and dairy products

My wife prepared a home-made burger yesterday. I just thought it would be a plain burger. But not, it had cheese, butter and mayonnaise in it. I had a second thought of eating it because of the dairy products, which is part of the “to be avoided foods” in the food list that I have.

However, part of me wanted to eat, to test how my system would react with dairy products; cheese, butter and mayonnaise .

And so I ate.

I felt the cheese when I took my first bite. So, I opened the bun and saw an uneven slice of about 1/4″ x 2″ x 4″ cheese and the mayonnaise dripping on the side. Then I thought, “this must be good dairy test”.
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