My Office Companion is Water, not Coffee

drinking water without gallbladderMy officemates have coffee on their desk to fight yawning and get some energy boost. It’s free courtesy of the company that we work for. And I really love the smell of the newly prepared coffee especially the pure black coffee.

Although the 3-in-1 coffee packs have their own flavors and aroma as well, but it can’t be compared to the pure black coffee.

Even before my gallbladder was removed, I am not into coffee. I usually get an upset stomach every after cup of coffee. Bo’s Coffee, Coffee Dream, and Starbucks can’t get into my nerve either brewed or cold. So, I end up drinking tea.

On my desk, a mug of water is my companion. A cold water is enough for me. I usually consumed not less than 6 mugs of cold water for the entire 8-hour work.  And I think its enough to get me hydrated for the whole period. Not to mention that it acts as cleanser, more commonly referred as the universal solvent – the water.

Thanksgiving and my gall story

Hello again, I posted here in July shortly after I had my surgery. I didn’t however tell my story of how I ended up needing the operation yet, and since it’s thanksgiving (in Canada) I thought I’d come talk about how I’m doing now and how the first big holiday meal went without a gall bladder. A bit of a warning, this turned out to be a lot longer than I thought it would, so if you decide to read it, thank you XD if not, no problem lol

So first my horror story -_- the first time I noticed a problem was in 2007. I had a particularly unhealthy weekend starting with pizza with some scotch on Friday which gave me some stomach pains 20 minutes or so after eating that ended up going away in a little while. Saturday the same pain after my meal but it went away. I wasn’t yet too worried and thought I just had a bug or something. Sunday however was different. I had a spaghetti meal and after 20 minutes that pain came back again, only this time it didn’t go away, it got worse. So I layed down, and it got worse, so I paced around, and it got WORSE, then I was sick and with the pain being so intense, realized it was time to go and wait for hours in the emergency room. My dad gave me a ride there and while waiting in the ER the pain mostly went away. I ended up going home with some percs and a scheduled ultrasound exam for the morning, which my family doctor revealed those results to me, being that I had sludge in my gall bladder :/ so I went on a diet of rice and veggies for a year -_-.. that sucked loll I couldn’t really have a whole lot else without getting pain. After that however it seemed I was cured. I was back to eating and drinking what I pleased.

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My Story – Without Gallbladder

This is my story without gallbladder

I am new here so I am going to tell everyone a bit about myself and my stomach problems.  I am now 31 years old.  When I was younger I was allergic to lots of foods (dairy etc.) but nothing actually bothered me too much.  Beginning in my last year in law school (approx. age 27)  I began having weird stomach problems.  Mostly consisting of bloating and immediate rushing to the bathroom after meals.  I saw 10+ gastro doctors and had every test under the sun – nothing was found.  I tried every herbal and prescription med out there.  In the end they diagnosed me with IBS and Gerd – because they had no idea what it was.

Fast forward, in Nov. 2009 I went to another gastro doctor.  They ran one more test – scan of my gallbladder and found it was functioning at 14%.  The next day they took it out.  And if I thought my stomach problems were bad before it was taken out – I had no idea what was in store for me!

For the first 3 months after the surgery (lapro) I had immediate dumping syndrome to everything I ate – from bread to crackers – everything! I tried everything under the sun again for bile reflux – nothing really worked.

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